Slow Food Urban San Diego

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On Thursday, June 9, Alchemy restaurant in South Park will host an artist's reception for local chef and artist Melissa Mayer, whose AGRI*PLANET show was created in collaboration with  Grass Fed Beef Week.
The 411:

Opening Reception: "AGRI*PLANET" @ Alchemy June 9th from 6pm-10pm

AGRI*PLANET is a suggestive, provocative and often irony-laden series of work within multiple mediums that is a social commentary on the state of our food culture and the food industry.  The artist's reception will include temporary installations and the remaining works within the show will be on view @ Alchemy into early July, 2011.

10% of the proceeds from the sales of the artwork in this collection will benefit Slow Food Urban San Diego, a 100% grassroots organization supporting and promoting food that is good, clean and fair.

For more information visit:

RSVP for event here: