September Annual Membership Campaign


We invite you to join an international community committed to good, clean & fair food for all. Why become a member?

To CONNECT with other people who care about the same kinds of things you care about. You receive discounts and special invitations to local, national and international events, including Terra Madre and Salone del Gusto.

To LEARN more about good, clean and fair food and the slow food movement. You receive an exclusive print magazine that showcases what is happening in the Slow Food movement locally, nationally and internationally. You have access to special members-only offers and previews.

To ENGAGE in helping to make a more good, clean and fair food system. You receive opportunities to get involved in national campaigns and local activities and projects.

To SUPPORT an organization that shares your values and is working to make the kind of change in the world you want to see. Your membership card proclaims your commitment to Slow Food values. You ARE the Slow Food Movement!

By becoming a member of Slow Food USA, you not only help support Slow Food Urban San Diego (SFUSD) projects in San Diego, and Slow Food projects across the world, you can you enjoy discounts and special offers from our Member Benefit Partners.

Photo credit: L. Joy

Locally, our school garden programs introduce youth to urban gardens and farms to help educate them on healthy eating practices and where our food comes from. We help local farmers and fishermen strengthen their knowledge, skills and connections to Slow Food practices by sponsoring their participation in important national and international programs and conferences, such as the Slow Food School Garden Program, and Terra Madre. We help schools connect their lunch programs to local farms.

Farm-to-table cooking classes. Photo by: L. Joy

Our annual Good Food Community Fair connects our community to organizations who advocate for positive food policies, as well as local farmers, artisans and chefs who support Slow Food principles. Our Ark of Taste projects identify, promote and protect heritage foods in danger of extinction. And, through programs like Slow Sips, we offer film screenings, guest lectures, and other community gatherings that educate and celebrate the bounty of food! These are just a few of the projects and programs you are supporting through your membership. Join us today!


Ark of Taste apples. Photo by A. Dominguez.

Why We Need You

  1. Your membership dues provide a stable, sustainable source of revenue for the organization, allowing it to be powered by – and accountable to – everyday people.

  2. Members are a source of political capital. Our growing membership demonstrates to decision makers the huge number of people who support Slow Food values.

  3. Members are the lifeblood of the Slow Food Movement. You provide on-the-ground action, whether through a commitment to living Slow Food values or your participation in local projects and activities such as those described above.


Our mission as an international grassroots membership organization is good, clean and fair food for all.

Good Our food should be tasty, seasonal, local, fresh and wholesome.

Clean Our food should nourish a healthful lifestyle and be produced in ways that preserve biodiversity, sustain the environment and ensure animal welfare - without harming human health.

Fair Our food should be affordable by all, while respecting the dignity of labor from field to fork.

For All Good, clean and fair food should be accessible to all and celebrate the diverse cultures, traditions and nations that reside in the USA.



About Us Food is the cornerstone of culture and community, and directly relates to the future of our planet. A better, cleaner and fairer world begins with what we put on our plates - and our daily choices determine the future of the environment, economy and society. If you care about local farmers, ranchers, fishers, animal welfare, the joy of a shared meal, preserving food culture, protecting the environment or avoiding GMOs, we have a place for you at our table.

Who We Are Slow Food Urban San Diego is part of Slow Food USA and the global Slow Food network of over 100,000 members in more than 150 countries. Through a vast volunteer network of local chapters, youth and food communities, we link the pleasures of the table with a commitment to protect the community, culture, knowledge and environment that make this pleasure possible.

SFUSD Slow Sips featuring Slow Meat experts. Photo by S. Shoffler

What We Do Slow Food USA has over 12,000 members nationwide from over 200 local chapters and 40 campus chapters that coordinate local activities, projects and events. Working together with members and supporters across the nation, we:

Care We preserve and share local foods and food cultures. We defend and advocate     policies that promote holistic alternatives to the industrial system. Through tastings, workshops and social opportunities, we explore and celebrate the Slow life.

Cultivate We develop leaders in communities who model joy and justice. We champion local, culturally significant heritage foods, customs and recipes - and bring these experiences into farms, markets, restaurants and homes. We teach the next generation how to grow, prepare and share food responsibly.

Connect Conviviality is central to our mission. We are a global community, connecting people to the land and to each other through local projects, educational events, and shared meals. We become catalysts for change by sharing the joy of Slow Food and prioritizing wholesome living over convenience.

Community and conviviality at our Slow Sips events. Photo by S. Shoffler

For more information on becoming a member click here!