To New Beginnings: A Note from Your New Co-Chair

Dear Slow Food Family,

As I reflect on the path that has led me to this amazing opportunity, I'm reminded there are few other ways I could've arrived here. I've been collecting knowledge and formulating vocabulary around issues of social justice for years and when it comes to food, my family and my ancestors have been growing it for generations. Serving as Food Justice Co-Chair has been a beautiful culmination of these interests and passions, and I’m excited to retain this focus as I transition into my new role as Co-Chair of Slow Food Urban San Diego.


There are elite aspects of food culture that initially would have deterred me from directly applying to such a position, so I am beyond grateful to have a team of local food activists and advocates who understand the importance of breaking down such barriers to facilitate our mission of truly "Good, clean and fair food for all." Our conversations frequently revolve around how to bolster and uphold the "fair" part as consensus definitions for "Good" and "clean" arise more easily. We're seeing recognition of this need at the national level as well with Slow Food Nation’s adoption of the Equity Manifesto and as a chapter, we’re feeling charged to answer this call to action.

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With the current political and social climates here in San Diego, which reflect bigger-picture problems around the world, I hope this passing season of light has left your hearts full of the compassion necessary to move toward change and that the new year has ushered in a sense of self-curiosity keen enough to make you ask yourselves, “for what do I stand? How can I uphold a standard of ‘good, clean and fair’ across the various contexts of my life?”

I welcome, first and foremost, the opportunity to continue learning about the rich food heritage and traditions of the greater San Diego area and am ecstatic to build upon this foundation of delicious experiences along the way, so that we may most mindfully enjoy the fruits of this beautiful land together. I am both honored and humbled to be elected to laterally lead with such a distinguished group of food and farm folk and look forward to growing alongside you with each passing season.

Dan Mueller