Lacto Fermentation

In Case You Missed It… Fermentation!

by Erin Batty May 10th was standing room only at the Triangle building, and emails and calls continue to filter in requesting information about ginger-beer, raw milk cheese, water kefir, and the like.  I think this calls for another fermentation class!

Little did I know that fermenting is a passion shared by so many Urban San Diegans.  But to my pleasant surprise, the lacto-fermentation class sold out and a sizeable donation was generated for Seeds at City Urban Farm.  Thank you to all who attended for your interest, enthusiasm, and participation!

Lacto-fermented foods are uniquely nourishing to the body and open the door to a world of complex flavors.  Enhance your sandwich with Stogsdill’s kraut, suit your salad with fermented dressings, make a snack of pickled vegetables, or pair your potatoes with homemade ketchup.  There are endless possibilities for fermented foods, if only there were more hours in the day to try them all!

Pickled carrots are elementary.  Who is ready to step it up a notch at the next fermentation workshop?

In the meantime, enjoy this surprisingly simple recipe for delicious homemade ketchup…