Paul Maschka

Volunteer Day at Seeds at City Urban Farm

[singlepic id=69 w=500 h=400 float=] Members from the Urban San Diego and USD chapters of Slow Food came together at Seeds@City for a tour, a lecture and some hands-on learning led by Head Farmer Paul Maschka.  Paul's talk focused on the farming program at Seeds@City, farming methods, composting, soil, worms, bugs and how it all comes together to create the lush farm that exists in the urban setting at City College.  Afterwards, everyone got to get their hands dirty cultivating soil, putting down irrigation tubes, and planting seeds that will produce colorful gourds.  All in all, it was a fun-filled morning of education supporting this fantastic program at City College.  Stay tuned for more events, and in the meantime Seeds@City welcomes volunteers on any Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday morning.  For more information, visit:

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