Slow Food Helps Downtown Seniors Eat Good, Clean, Fair Food

This November Slow Food Urban San Diego's Market Bucks program provided 30 local seniors with a farmer's market tour, $10 worth of free produce and a cooking demonstration featuring a fall salad trio. Thirty members of Serving Seniors' Feeling Fit Club joined Slow Food for a tour of the Little Italy Mercato and a bag of fresh produce from Suzie's Farm, courtesy of our generous Market Bucks donors.

Following the tour, one of Slow Food's resident chefs provided a cooking demonstration of nourishing and nutritious salads featuring the fresh produce each senior took home.

The participating seniors loved exploring the Mercato, and learning about the fresh, local food available in their neighborhood and how to easily prepare it at home. Thank you to everyone who purchased market bucks to help us provide fresh produce for this program and to our partners at the Little Italy Mercato, Serving Seniors and Suzie's Farm. We look forward to hosting this event again in the future!